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Rush Kappa Sigma

Why Kappa Sigma? The Kappa Sigma Fraternity will better your college experience and opens the door for opportunities, unlike any other organization.

Winter 2023 Rush Schedule


Thanks for registering. See you there!

Fall 2022 Rush Video

Winter 2023 Rush Video

How does a Fraternity help further the goals of today's undergraduate men? 

Kappa Sigma's main objective is based on building a better man while encouraging him to participate in other campus organizations that he may choose. More specifically, Kappa Sigma looks to provide the opportunity to enhance your network, leadership skills, scholastic involvement, and service contribution to the local community. 


Leadership, "Real-World" Experience, and Opportunities


As a student-based organization, we recognize that upon graduation, our members will be entering a competitive, career-driven world in the 21st century. It's becoming increasingly vital that we seek to provide our members with the best opportunity for their success in the "real world" after their active years at Carleton. We provide opportunities for our members to obtain those real-world experiences and build their resumes in order to compete at an elite level once they enter the workforce.


Here are some of the programs we offer:

  1. Brothers In Action

  2. Chair Positions

Scholarship & Academics


Our organization ensures that our members are able to maintain a high level of academic excellence while adding the aforementioned experiences to their resumes. While members are required to maintain a minimum 6.0 CGPA, many of our members are leaders at Carleton, such as Riley Hickman who was awarded the Carleton Janet M. Holmes Award and the Canadian Society for Chemistry Medal for students with the highest average going into 4th Year Chemistry. Cole Hickman who received an Honours Award for Excellence for demonstrating a solid commitment to the University Students' Association and Carleton Community through broad participation and leadership in constructive extra-curricular activities. And Osman Elmi who received the Honourable Walter Baker Memorial Scholarship in recognition of his hard work and dedication to his studies over the course of his program and demonstrated leadership & involvement with the Carleton community and beyond. 

What does "Rushing" mean?

The Rush period is synonymous with a recruitment period. During the first two and a half weeks of each semester, we will be hosting informational, social, and philanthropic events that are open to any Carleton undergraduate man who is interested in learning more about Kappa Sigma and potentially joining our organization. When you attend these events, you are known as a "rush" or "potential new member". You can find our calendar of events on this page or on our social media accounts. Don't be worried - all of our current Brothers had once attended these events when they were brand new to the organization. You don't have to have any prior knowledge of fraternities or even Carleton University! We want to meet you and answer your questions.

What does "Pledging" mean?

After the first two and a half weeks of the introductory events, a select number of rush will be offered a bid letter. A bid letter just means we are extending you an offer to "pledge" our organization. In other words, rushing is like interviewing for a job. A bid is like an employer offering you a job. Pledging is like the 60-day probationary period you get when you first start a job. 

What else should I know before rushing and pledging?

Financial Requirement


During the pledge period, there are two necessary fees that must be paid to the Headquarters in Charlottesville, Virginia.

    1. $45 pledging fee – one time fee due prior to the pledging ceremony
    2. $150 initiation fee – one time fee due prior to the initiation ceremony

All other fees and dues are determined by the local chapter, consistent with chapter operations, general liability insurance rates, undergraduate dues, and conference fees. Never should a student be pledged or initiated into Kappa Sigma without the above fees being paid prior to the ceremony.

Scholarship Requirement


The minimum GPA (CGPA at Carleton) for pledging and initiation is determined by the chapter and the host institution. All scholarship questions can be directed to the Scholarship Chairman of the chapter.

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